Temporarily disable the catalogitem change manager

When you run large imports you might run into the issue that the "Change log auto truncate job" will timeout because the tblActivityLog has become very large. When that happens you can manually run a stored procedure on the DB as described here. To prevent it from happening, as from EPiServer.Commerce 11.6.0, you can disable … Continue reading Temporarily disable the catalogitem change manager

Offload your Episerver Find tracking

Imagine a site with 10+ instances and a lot of visitors and search requests. The find queries are tracked, to provide data for the auto suggest, and cached. And then... you get an error in Find: Too Many Requests. My first thought was to increase the value for StaticallyCacheFor. But it did not have as … Continue reading Offload your Episerver Find tracking

Use ML.net recommender for recommendations (POC)

A while ago I wrote about how you can use ML.Net Recommender to add some smarts to your up-sell. I decided to take it a step further and make it work for general product recommendations. So I created a scheduled job that creates and trains the recommendation model, creates predictions for all available variations in … Continue reading Use ML.net recommender for recommendations (POC)

Remember BrilliantCut?

For a client with a huge catalog I needed something to make it easier to find their products in the back-end. Then I remembered BrilliantCut by Jonas Bergqvist, which does exactly that. As it hasn't been updated to work with newer versions of Commerce, I forked and updated it. I also added the filter option … Continue reading Remember BrilliantCut?

Speed up your product imports

When you use Episerver Commerce, your products will often be imported from an external source. When you use Episerver Find and there are a lot of changes, the import process might take a while and a lot of requests to Episerver Find will be made. So usually you would turn of the Episerver Find events … Continue reading Speed up your product imports

POC: Upgrade EPiCommerce without losing orders?

So you want to update your EPiServer Commerce site, but you don’t want to lose orders. That’s still not really possible, a little downtime is still needed, or I missed something. So I did a little POC. I created a “messaging” service. You can send a cart to it. The cart will be put into … Continue reading POC: Upgrade EPiCommerce without losing orders?

Schedule exchange rate updates in Commerce

I was poking around n Quicksilver and I found an interesting piece of code for adding exchange rates to your site. In Quicksilver it is done once, during initialization, so I decided to create a scheduled job for it as rates tend to change 🙂 Pluggable, so you can add your own provider. The scheduled … Continue reading Schedule exchange rate updates in Commerce

Schedule XForm data mailings in MVC

In my last post I wrote about a way to schedule emails, instead of sending them immediately. This was for WebForms though. Getting this to work in MVC was not that easy. I am not sure if there are some bugs in EPiServer, or that I am missing something somewhere, but this is what it … Continue reading Schedule XForm data mailings in MVC

Schedule XForm data mailings

Our client did not want an email very single time a customer filled in a form, but instead wanted a scheduled mailing with all entries. As I could not find a way to add additional options to the ChannelOptions I decided to overrule the functionality of the "Email" option. If we take Alloy (WebForms version) … Continue reading Schedule XForm data mailings